Monday, May 17, 2010

The Wedding!

Welcome to Illinois!!! It pretty much rained the whole time we were there, but we enjoyed our visit despite the cold and humidity.

We heard that the Raffertys were just coming to visit, but apparently they decided to stay and set up shop (across from a Starbucks, perhaps?)!

The rehearsal went really well...nothing major to fix, except Ben's tucked in shirt (untuck it Ben!)

Eve picked up right where she left off last Presbytery.

After the rehearsal we interviewed Ben. Check it out:

The Big Day was upon us. Dad was asked to play the piano while people were being seated. Despite being forewarned about his tendencies to default to the Blues, the wedding party still wanted him to play. So while people were being "ushed" a very jazzy "Be Thou My Vision" was playing in the background.

Beautiful girls...three are sisters-in-law now!

Handsome brothers....Thomas looks practically giddy!

The Hectors...see the spot missing, it will be filled in an hour!

The Beautiful Bride

The back of the Beautiful Bride

The wedding was amazing, the reception was awesome, and the night was quite magical! Congrats Ben and Tiffany! Thanks for letting us be there, and we can't wait to see you again.


  1. lol!! Love the Rafferty's sign!

    I agree wholeheartedly with Ben's statement, "Simple weddings are better". :)

  2. The Hector family wishes to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone that contributed to this huge event. From the locals that worked so hard to the travelers who journeyed so far, this day was made special by you!

  3. We were soooo happy to have you there! Thank you for everything you do for our family. We love you all!! Blessings, Mrs.H

  4. Looking forward to following you on another trip, Linds. We always have fun reading about your travels, especially your funny commentaries. :-)

  5. U R overdue. rePOST! rePOST! rePOST!

  6. It was the best wedding my big brother has ever had! Thanks for coming Schroeders... it wouldn't have been the same without you guys!

