Friday, July 31, 2009

It's my party, I can smile if I want to...

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, its that time again...Eve turned a year older this month. Here's what we did to celebrate (buckle up!).

Of course the first thing we did was open birthday presents. This particular present had been on the list for quite some time. Who could resist...."MILES MORGAN!!!"

Forget the goofy 1950's glasses for now, look at how she is cradling the precious gift in her arms! It's love! Thanks AL...

...and what would a birthday be without insanly large amounts of sugar and butter to fill our tummies and numb our senses?

This photo is out of place, but the readers won't know that, so I won't worry about it.

And now for the great celebration! The following photos were taken at a very special Bunco party in honor of said birthday girl! But this Bunco party had a slight twist (and shout!). Instead of just numbering the tables from 1 (winner table) to 5 (loser table), we created themes for each one. The loser table was set in the 1980's (go figure?), then 70's, 60's, 50's, to the 1940's which was the winner table. We hope you will enjoy these lovely photos of a few un-named party-goers.

M. is chillin'at the 70's table. Maybe it was bright in there...

Each table had music, costumes, wall art, and snacks to help you get into the mood of that era. Here are some lovely ladies enjoying the swingin' 50's (they deserved it too... they had to travel through the 60's and 70's to get here!)

INVASION... the 1940's was filled with thrills. This young man was apart of the french resistance movement of 43'. He escaped and came to America with his faithful butler (see man with doily on head).

Yes, you guessed it! This is the loser table. 80's music begins to take effect on its poor victims after just minutes. A. looks like he is actually enjoying his luscious locks.

Peace from Mrs. H. You should have seen her doing the Y.M.C.A.!!!

Are we playing poker or bunco? Don't worry, they're harmless...we checked them for weapons at the door.

"The 60's weren't good to you, were they?!!"

I see a trend forming here... for some reason the Hector boys just can not resist glasses.

And what would a birthday be without more cake!!! Happy Birthday Eve...


  1. Looks like TONS of fun!!! You guys always have such good ideas! :-)
    Amy :O)

  2. I LOVED the pictures! And that one with Anthony wearing the wig was so funny!

    Eva looks so pretty in her lovely polka-dot dress!
