Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lookout Mountain, GA

After a wonderful time in Hendersonville, NC (for some reason the computer won't let me upload those photos right now, but I'll try later) we headed out to Lookout Mountain, GA to spend some time with more cousins. Here is a sample of what we did for much of our visit... (actually, this photo was totally staged; this is them goofing around till 4 in the morning in a tent in the backyard...)

As usual, a video production of some kind was filmed, and will be released December 2010!

Cecebee and Yaya...friends till the end!

One lovely afternoon these two dogs decided to take Dad and Uncle Doug on a walk/jog. The rest of us decided to join in, and we had a lovely time.

Another family tradition is going and watching hang gliders jump off the side of the hill....I mean mountain :-). Kirsten wishes she could fly off with them.

Enjoying his ride.

This will give you a little taste of what jumping off a mountain looks like (from our point of view, at least)...

We started our final full day in GA with a hike along sunset rock...there were a lot more bugs on this trail than I remembered!

No, they are not sisters...Eva is growing like a weed and she will soon pass up Aunt Julie!

Yes...that is a REAL vine hanging on the path, and yes they are swinging on it. Off to the left in this picture was an open area over which the girls swung, and they look like they had a good time!

After a hike is the perfect time to pose for pictures with cousins.

We saw some amazing views of the city of Chatanooga from this Civil War fort.

See what I mean! By the way, that haze you see is not smog...its just humidity(...but it's green...!).

"Did you push the right button....Can we stop smiling now?"

"Okay, good, now we can act natural!"

After our hike we drove into Chatanooga for some of the world's best ice cream (Clumpies, of course!). While walking around we found some unusual art, and as is tradition, we had to pose.

A final farewell...

Well that was it from GA! Last Wed we headed out to Panama City Beach, FL and we've been here all week. As of yesterday we have offically been on the road for 5 weeks, but it feels like a lifetime! I'll post photos from FL soon, but right now I'm heading out to the Gulf to enjoy the water while I can (the oil is due to hit our beach sometime this weekend).


  1. Hey, we're planning on stopping by Lookout Mountain on our way south! We'll look for your footprints...

    Oh, and if you could do what you can to keep the oil away from the beach for a little while longer that would be SO appreciated! :-)


  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE all the photos and videos, THANKYOU so much for sharing!!!! we enjoy your blog MUCHO!!! and can't wait to see ya'll in July!!! Love, AntLar and Uncle Doug D :-)
